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THC-X v.s. THC-P: Ultimate Cannabinoid 101 Guide

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Home » Education » THC-X v.s. THC-P: Ultimate Cannabinoid 101 Guide

With the 2018 federal legalization of the hemp plant, the hemp market has experienced a boom, and as a result, various compounds have emerged as popular cannabinoids among consumers. Some of these compounds include delta 8, which is known for its relaxing properties, and delta 10, which is believed to have energizing effects. You may have already come across or even tried some of these compounds.

Although hemp-derived products have gained popularity, some critics remain skeptical about the potency of cannabinoids derived from hemp. However, we in the hemp community are not deterred by naysayers. In fact, we have two compounds that can prove them wrong and leave them in awe: THC-X and THCP. These powerful cannabinoids are strong enough to do just the trick!

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As two analogs of delta 9, THC-X and THCP are often recognized for their exceptional potencies and notable psychoactive effects. However, it’s important to note that there’s much more to these compounds than their strength alone. THC-X and THCP have unique characteristics, benefits, and histories that contribute to their overall appeal. By exploring these complexities, we can gain a deeper understanding of two of hemp’s most potent cannabinoids.

What is THC-X?

THC-X, short for tetra cannabinoid-O-acetate or THC-X acetate, is a cannabinoid that is gaining popularity among cannabis consumers. It is a semi-synthetic analog of THC, achieved by converting hemp-derived CBD into a potent psychoactive compound through a process called isomerization.

To create THC-X, CBD is first extracted from the raw hemp plant, usually through an effective extraction method. Next, isomerization occurs, where the existing molecules in CBD are rearranged, resulting in delta 8 THC. Finally, a chemical called acetic anhydride is added, making THC-X a semi-synthetic analog of THC.

THC-X is not a naturally occurring cannabinoid, but it is only lightly synthesized as it is made from hemp-derived CBD. This synthesis results in a heightened potency estimated to be around three times that of regular delta 9 THC. While THC-X is a non-natural cannabinoid, it does not necessarily make it dangerous. Acetylation, the process used to create THC-X, is a simple form of drug synthesis that does not require the same dangerous substances commonly associated with other synthetic medications.

Benefits of THC-X

THC-X is gaining popularity for its potency and popular use in the hemp market. As an analog of delta 9, it shares many of the same benefits, but with three times the strength. Some anecdotal evidence suggests that THC-X may help with pain relief, appetite stimulation, and anxiety reduction.

One of the main effects of THC-X is euphoria, as it binds to receptors that regulate mood and pain. This results in a strong and happy high for users. At higher doses, THC-X has been reported to have hallucinogenic properties, causing visual or auditory hallucinations. This makes it appealing not only for its potent high but also for its potential to provide a psychedelic experience.

Aside from these effects, THC-X is also believed to have sleep-supportive properties, increase appetite, provide bodily relief, and have anti-anxiety properties.

What is THC-P?

THCP, or tetrahydrocannabiphoral, is a cannabinoid that has close relations to THC, but is found in extremely low natural concentrations in the cannabis plant. Despite being relatively new, it is known that THCP has a strong affinity to CB1 endocannabinoid receptors, giving it remarkably strong psychoactive effects. In fact, some research suggests that THCP may bind to CB1 receptors over 33 times as strongly as delta 9, potentially making it up to 33 times as potent as regular THC.

While THCP can be found naturally in cannabis plants, it can also be made by chemically manipulating hemp-derived CBD, similar to THCO. In nature, enzymatic reactions in hemp use CBGA, known as “the mother of all cannabinoids,” to create another molecule called tetrahydrocannabiphorolic acid, or THCPA. THCPA is converted into THCP through a process called decarboxylation. In a lab environment, chemists can recreate this process.

Benefits of THC-P

THCP, being a new cannabinoid, lacks significant studies to prove its benefits, but early observations indicate promising medical applications. Its main draw is its remarkable potency, making it potentially more effective for patients who require high levels of THC in their treatment, such as those using high-THC oils to combat cancer.

Additionally, THCP’s high levels could potentially provide sedative effects, making it a possible solution for soothing insomnia or relieving severe pain. Moreover, THCP may have other potential uses, such as stretching tight ligaments and reducing body temperature, especially in the rectum.

THC-X v.s. THC-P

Now that we have covered the basics of THC-X and THCP individually, let’s compare these two powerful cannabinoids. We’ll take a closer look at their effects, benefits, and potential downsides to help you make an informed decision about which one might be right for you.

THC-X & THC-P Direct Comparison

Comparing the historical backgrounds of THCP and THC-X, it’s safe to say that both cannabinoids have intriguing stories. However, some might find the history of THC-X to be more captivating than that of THCP. We encourage you to learn about the backgrounds of both cannabinoids and decide for yourself which one you find more fascinating.

THC-X vs. THCP: Comparison Table:

Potential benefitsEuphoria
Increased appetite
Better sleep
Pain relief
Stress relief
Aids with hypomobility
Mild to severe pain relief
Better sleep
Helps lower body temperature
Potential side effectsParanoia
Does it occur naturally?NoYes, but only in trace amounts.
PotencyVery strongExtremely strong

THC-X, a powerful cannabinoid gaining popularity in the mainstream market, has an interesting history. The United States Army conducted a series of classified studies known as the Edgewood Arsenal Experiments between 1948 and 1975, which included researching THC-X. The goal of the experiments was to determine if the compound could serve as a non-lethal incapacitating agent, potentially as a weapon. However, the research eventually stopped, and the army abandoned the idea of using THC-X for violent purposes. Nonetheless, the studies revealed that THC-X was twice as potent as regular THC in incapacitating dogs. Despite being a new addition to the cannabinoid market, THC-X has a rich history that dates back decades.

In contrast to THC-X, THCP is a much more recent discovery. In 2019, a group of Italian researchers accidentally stumbled upon this potent cannabinoid while analyzing cannabis samples. Their findings were published in the peer-reviewed journal Scientific Reports, and they revealed that THCP interacts with the endocannabinoid system in a similar way to THC, but with a major difference: it can bind to CB1 receptors at a rate 33 times higher than THC. This accidental discovery has the potential to pave the way for new breakthroughs in cannabinoid research and could open up new possibilities for medical treatment.

THC-X and THCP are both known for their potent effects, they have vastly different historical backgrounds and were discovered decades apart. However, despite their differences, these cannabinoids may have more in common than what initially meets the eye.

Are THC-X and THCP Found in Both Marijuana and Hemp?

THCP is a naturally occurring cannabinoid present in both marijuana and hemp plants. The difference between the two plants is the amount of THC they contain, but apart from that, they are similar. THCP occurs in all cannabis plants, but in trace amounts, so manufacturers prefer to convert CBD to THCP instead.

In contrast, THC-X is not a naturally occurring cannabinoid in either marijuana or hemp. It is a lab-created compound formed by adding acetic anhydride to THC, which doesn’t happen in cannabis plants. THC-X can be made from CBD or THC from either plant, but it’s most commonly derived from hemp-based CBD.

Which is Better for Sleep?

Current studies suggest that THC-X does not possess sedative properties. In fact, it has been known to enhance the user’s sensory perception, making them more talkative and aware of their surroundings, similar to the effects of sativa strains. Despite this, THC-X has been shown to increase GABA production, a neurotransmitter that reduces nerve cell activity, leading to a slower brain function. Using THC-X in conjunction with CBD can balance its intense psychoactive properties and improve its overall impact on sleep. Further research is required to fully understand the properties and potential benefits of THC-X and THCP.

When it comes to effects, THCP seems to be more inclined towards the relaxing and pain-relieving qualities typically associated with indica strains. Research indicates that THCP may have potential in helping adults with physical pain, especially those who struggle with insomnia. Thus, if you’re looking for a potent way to get a good night’s sleep, THCP may be the answer.

Everything You Need to Know About THC-X and THCP

THC-X and THCP are two potent cannabinoids that belong to the family of tetrahydrocannabinols. While both compounds share similarities in their ability to help with pain relief and better sleep, they differ in their molecular structures and effects on the body.

THC-X is a semi-synthetic cannabinoid, whereas THCP occurs naturally in cannabis plants. THC-X is a prodrug, meaning it only becomes fully active after the metabolization process, while THCP is already active before entering the body. THC-X is thought to be around three times as potent as THC, while THCP is estimated to be around twice as strong as THC-X and roughly 10x more potent than delta 9. However, even though THCP is much stronger than THC-X, it does not cause psychedelic effects in any dose, while THC-X is known to produce hallucinations in users at higher doses.

Both compounds can help with sleep, pain relief, and relaxation, but they also share some negative side effects when taken in higher doses, such as paranoia, anxiety, confusion, and nausea.

To summarize, the main takeaways from this THC-X vs. THCP comparison are:

  • THCP is naturally occurring, while THC-X is semi-synthetic.
  • THCP is stronger than THC-X.
  • THC-X produces psychedelic hallucinations at higher doses, but THCP does not.
  • They can both help with sleep, pain relief, and relaxation.

Understanding the differences and similarities between THC-X and THCP can help you make informed decisions when it comes to choosing the right cannabinoid for your needs.

The Legality of THC-X vs. THCP

THC analogs like THC-X and THCP are a topic of much debate when it comes to their legality, and the status of these compounds largely depends on your location and interpretation of the law. However, to simplify the matter, let’s start at the federal level. The 2018 Farm Bill, also known as the Agriculture Improvement Act, legalized hemp and hemp-derived products at the federal level.

As we know, the key difference between hemp and marijuana is their THC content. Under federal law, hemp refers to cannabis plants that contain less than 0.3% THC on a dry-weight basis, while marijuana refers to cannabis plants that exceed that 0.3% THC limit. The Farm Bill also excluded hemp and hemp-derived products from the definition of marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act, which means that while marijuana remains illegal, hemp products are now legal to use, possess, manufacture, and sell.

Therefore, THC-X and THCP are technically legal in the United States as long as they are derived from hemp and contain less than 0.3% THC. However, the legality of these compounds can vary by state. Many states have placed restrictions or bans on hemp-derived cannabinoids, which means that even though THC-X and THCP are legal under federal law, they may not be legal in your state.

As of now, THC-X and THCP may be illegal in the following states: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, New York, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia.

Are marijuana-derived THC-X and THCP legal?

No, it’s not legal to use marijuana-derived THC-X and THCP on the federal level. The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) prohibits the use, possession, sale, distribution, promotion, and production of cannabis products that contain over 0.3% THC (by dry weight). Additionally, the importation and transportation of high-THC marijuana are also prohibited under federal law.

However, despite federal law, many US states have legalized medical and recreational marijuana, including cannabis-derived THC-X and THCP. 38 states in the US permit the use of high-THC cannabis for medicinal purposes, with 18 states allowing adults to use recreational cannabis. In these states, it’s possible to legally purchase marijuana-derived THC-X and THCP.

THC-X vs. THCP – Comparing the Highs

Let’s take a closer look at the experiences you can expect from THC-X and THCP. Although these two tetrahydrocannabinols share similarities, their effects can be quite different due to their unique molecular structures.

THCP is known for its potency, making users feel happy and relaxed with an added mellow vibe that’s perfect for evening use. Its effects are intense and long-lasting, so a little goes a long way. Users should be aware that while THCP is very strong, it does not produce psychedelic effects in any dose.

THC-X is also strong, but not as potent as THCP. Its high is all about euphoria and relaxation, making users feel happy and content. You may find yourself more talkative or laughing louder than usual, and colors and sounds may appear more vibrant. However, be aware that higher doses of THC-X can produce hallucinations and psychedelic effects.

Overall, while THC-X can make you more sociable and sensitive to the world around you, THCP’s intensity and mellow vibe make it perfect for nighttime use. Whether you prefer THC-X’s sensitivity or THCP’s potency, it’s important to remember that the effects of both compounds can vary depending on the individual and their dosage.

Combining THC-X and THCP: What to Expect

It’s no secret that THC-X and THCP are both incredibly potent cannabinoids. But what happens if you combine the two? While there isn’t yet enough scientific evidence to say for sure, it’s highly likely that mixing two such strong cannabinoids will lead to an even more intense psychoactive experience.

In addition to simply getting, you higher, taking THC-X and THCP together may trigger what’s known as the “entourage effect.” This is a phenomenon that occurs when different cannabinoids and compounds interact with each other, enhancing each other’s effects and benefits.

But before you rush out to experiment with cannabinoid cocktails, it’s important to note that neither THC-X nor THCP is recommended for beginners or novice cannabis users due to their extremely intense psychoactive effects. If you’re an experienced user and feel like your mind and body can handle the combination, give it a try—but be prepared for an out-of-this-world experience. It’s always best to exercise caution when experimenting with new cannabis products.

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Can you mix THC-X and THCP with alcohol?

Combining THC-X and THCP with alcohol is possible, but it’s not advisable. Mixing alcohol with any THC variant can increase its effects, particularly if you consume alcohol before using cannabis.

Studies have shown that alcohol can influence how your body processes THC. For example, a study found that participants who drank alcohol before vaporizing cannabis had higher peak THC levels than those who took a placebo. However, other research indicates that consuming alcohol before using weed only has a minor effect on THC levels, and some scientists believe that cannabis may even delay or prevent drunkenness.

How Do THC-X vs. THCP Interact with the Endocannabinoid System?

The endocannabinoid system plays a crucial role in how THC-X and THCP interact with our bodies. Both cannabinoids bind to endocannabinoid receptors in the body to produce their psychoactive effects. These receptors are involved in regulating various bodily functions, such as mood, sleep, and pain perception.

THC-X and delta-9 THC have a similar binding mechanism, but THC-X’s unique molecular shape allows it to bind directly to the brain’s CB1 receptors, leading to an extremely potent effect. On the other hand, THCP’s seven-atom side chain makes it even better suited to bind to CB1 receptors, resulting in a more intense and longer-lasting high than THC.

The distinct molecular structures of THC-X and THCP not only affect their potency but also influence the way they interact with our endocannabinoid system. Understanding these differences can help us better appreciate the unique effects of each cannabinoid and the potential benefits they may provide. However, it’s important to note that both THC-X and THCP are highly potent cannabinoids that should be used with caution and only by experienced cannabis users.

Both Cannabinoids Compared to CBD

CBD and THCP are both cannabinoids naturally present in cannabis, but CBD is found in much larger quantities. Unlike THC-X and THCP, CBD is non-intoxicating and will not induce any euphoric effects. This makes CBD suitable for all users, from beginners to experienced cannabis consumers. Unlike THC-X and THCP, CBD does not activate CB1 receptors but interacts with other receptors, including 5-HT1A (serotonin), TRPV1 (vanilloid), and PPARS (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors).

The interaction of CBD with 5-HT1A is essential, as studies have shown that activation of this receptor can help combat anxiety, stress, addiction, sleep problems, pain, and nausea. Additionally, TRPV1 activation can help reduce inflammation and regulate body temperature. The lack of intoxication and potential therapeutic benefits make CBD a popular choice for those seeking relief from various ailments without the psychoactive effects of THC-X and THCP.

Both Cannabinoids Compared to CBN

THC-X and THCP can cause a significant level of euphoria, CBN only induces a mild high even in substantial amounts. Although all three cannabinoids are intoxicating, their potency levels differ from one another.

Compared to THC-X and THCP, CBN has a weaker binding affinity with your CB1 receptors. Instead, it activates the CB2 receptors and TRPA1 channels responsible for pain and pain perception. While the exact mechanism of action of THCP in reducing pain symptoms is still unknown, studies suggest that its consumption may lead to a reduction in pain symptoms.

Safety Concerns When Consuming THC-X and THCP

THC-X and THCP offer exciting potential benefits, but there are also some safety concerns surrounding their consumption. One of the biggest issues is that these cannabinoids are unregulated and difficult to produce, which can lead to potential safety risks.

Unlike traditional THC, which can be extracted from cannabis plants, THCP and THC-X are not naturally occurring in high concentrations. Instead, producers must synthesize them from other cannabinoids in a laboratory environment. However, these processes are not regulated by the FDA, making it crucial to find a reputable source for these compounds.

The process of creating THC-X involves the use of acetate anhydride, a highly flammable chemical that can be dangerous if not handled properly. Manufacturers must be careful to remove any traces of this chemical during the purification process to prevent harm to consumers.

To ensure your safety when using THC-X and THCP products, it’s important to find a trustworthy manufacturer that prioritizes purity and quality. At Hemplitude, we use only organic, non-GMO hemp and employ cutting-edge technology to ensure precise production processes. Additionally, all of our products are third-party lab tested to guarantee their purity and freedom from harmful contaminants.

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THC-X and THCP are both potent and beneficial cannabinoids that can help alleviate a range of discomforts, from pain to sleep issues. While THC-X has psychoactive effects similar to THC, THCP is even stronger and non-psychedelic. It’s important to keep in mind that safety is paramount when it comes to consuming these compounds. Due to the complicated and unregulated nature of their production, it’s crucial to find a reputable retailer that guarantees a safe and positive experience. Look for products that have been third-party lab tested to ensure purity and lack of contaminants.

Where to find THC-X or THC-P Products?

Getting high can be a great experience, it’s essential to prioritize safety and choose products from trusted sources. Whether you’re considering THC-X or THCP, always do your research and purchase from a reliable retailer to ensure a positive and safe psychoactive experience. At Hemplitude we hold our products to the highest standards out there to ensure you have the best experience every time. Come check out of the shop today and find out what it means to be the “most potent in-house blend”.

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BY Summitt Labs
on March 30, 2023
Summitt Labs is a Tampa, Florida-based collaboration of like-minded innovators for botanical research. Known for its top-grossing brands such as Kore Original, Hemplitude, and Happy Time High. Today, harnessing the passion for curating a unique solution for all communities.

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